20.1 C
الأحد, نوفمبر 24, 2024


مشاركات الكاتب

«أبل» تستعد لإطلاق «أكبر تحديث» في تاريخ «أيفون» مرتبط بالذكاء الاصطناعي

من المتوقع أن تعلن شركة «أبل» عن أكبر تحديث لنظام تشغيل «iOS» في تاريخها، خلال حفل الشركة السنوي (WWDC) في شهر يونيو (حزيران) المقبل. ووفقاً للصحافي مارك غورمان من وكالة «بلومبرغ»، «تعد الشركة تحديث iOS 18...

جامعة طيبة | انطلاق فعاليات معكسر رواد الإبتكار الجامعي بجامعة طيبة

جامعة طيبة | انطلاق فعاليات معكسر رواد الإبتكار الجامعي بجامعة طيبة ​إنطلقت بجامعة طيبة أمس فعاليات معسكر " رواد الإبتكار الجامعي  " الذي تنظمه عمادة شؤون الطلاب و يستهدف  طلاب وطالبات الجامعة ليبتكروا من خلاله...

WHO EMRO | Newly released in press article: Secondary multilevel mixed-effects modelling of the trends in the seroprevalence of Crimean–Congo haemorrhagic fever | RSS

WHO EMRO | Newly released in press article: Secondary multilevel mixed-effects modelling of the trends in the seroprevalence of Crimean–Congo haemorrhagic fever | RSS ...

WHO EMRO | Newly released in press article: Global health governance: actors’ changing roles following COVID-19 | RSS

WHO EMRO | Newly released in press article: Global health governance: actors’ changing roles following COVID-19 | RSS ...

WHO EMRO | Newly released in press article: Engaging the private health sector in communicable disease prevention and management and the national immunization programme,...

WHO EMRO | Newly released in press article: Engaging the private health sector in communicable disease prevention and management and the national immunization programme, Pakistan 2020 | RSS ...

WHO EMRO | Newly released in press article: Beliefs and Practices of Physicians in Lebanon about Promotional Gifts and Interactions with Pharmaceutical Companies |...

WHO EMRO | Newly released in press article: Beliefs and Practices of Physicians in Lebanon about Promotional Gifts and Interactions with Pharmaceutical Companies | RSS  ...

WHO EMRO | Newly released in press article: Barriers to Colorectal Cancer Screening in Jordan: A nationwide survey | RSS

WHO EMRO | Newly released in press article: Barriers to Colorectal Cancer Screening in Jordan: A nationwide survey | RSS ...

WHO EMRO | Newly released in press article: An updated overview of the prevalence, incidence, and treatment outcomes of tuberculosis in Egypt: a systematic...

WHO EMRO | Newly released in press article: An updated overview of the prevalence, incidence, and treatment outcomes of tuberculosis in Egypt: a systematic review and meta-analysis | RSS ...

WHO EMRO | Newly released in press article: An updated overview of the prevalence, incidence, and treatment outcomes of tuberculosis in Egypt: a systematic...

WHO EMRO | Newly released in press article: An updated overview of the prevalence, incidence, and treatment outcomes of tuberculosis in Egypt: a systematic review and meta-analysis | RSS ...



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